Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Green grass grows

Talofa lava! Hope the green grass is growing all around - all around!

We pray that you are being richly blessed by all the beautiful and uplifting comments being posted by our PIPC family around the globe! We are nothing short of blessed to be able to share what we can via this blog. To our families abroad, it brings tears to our eyes to read your comments and words of encouragement. We pray that you are carrying on the PIPC legacy through Christ's strength wherever you are in the world.

We've got a short clip here for you from our Youth Rally night - green grass grows...See if you can spot yourself! Our AV team are currently working on a DVD. As soon as we are ready to publish - we will be sure to let you know!

In the meantime we will try to post short clips every week until the DVD is complete. Don't forget you can become a follower (look down right of window). This way you will be notified whenever we update the blog.


  1. Love this song! Such a cool idea whoever the mastermind was behind this song. God be praised for this wonderful night and all the good things that have come from it. And in that egg...there was a... Thank you Lord!

  2. So cool! I have a moment to spend looking through this neat to be reminded of the many blessings we received at this time. Hopefully all tupulaga - all PIPC are in good spirit and steadfast in His love.
    God bless xx
